Sunday, 15 April 2007

The innane ramblings of a young disgruntled employee, frustrated entrepreneur, single, white female. Dear god, poor reader you are likely to find this about as interesting as watching paint dry or listeneing to an incessant rattle in your car dashboard.

I sometimes wonder why my generation (Y'ers) get up every morning. Is it to slave away at jobs that we've gained after working steadily through years of university only to graduate with large HECS debts? Or is it to find to our extreme disssatisfaction that the baby boomer population enjoys large tax free capital gains on their houses purchased decades before at comparatively give-away prices?

Perhaps it's the fact that many of the older generation takes us with little credibilty despite the fact that recently released publications have hinted on the extremely likely scenario that the current populus of Australian's in their 20's will have to work until the age of 70 to 75 in order to fund their few years of living after work and that of the remainder of the population?

I am so frustrated at the burgening number of Australians on the dole, expecting handouts, having children they cannot support (I quantify support as being able to adequately clothe, educated, nourish and raise in an acceptable manner). Why is the federal government handing out $4000 as a payment to people having children? Why are they funding this cycle with tax paid dollars only to have the tax payers again support the children of parents unable or more likely unwilling to work? Would the money not be better spent providing free child support to parents of young children so that they might reenter the work force earlier...

Why is it that as a 22 year old I am labelled a 'lucky child' who has had 'everything given to her'? I don't consider myself unlucky, I have wonderful parents a fantastic childhood and was given the opportunity to witness (through my parents) what hard work and dedication can bring about in terms of employment, education and financial discipline. I certainly am a proud Australian, this country is beautiful, opulent and full of people, who for the most part, are greatful for it being their homeland. I am in good health, own my own home (or rather the bank does) and enjoy full time employment. I have never asked for handouts and never required the charity or pity of others.

Yet I am so angry!

I feel as if I have to have it all and have it now. Why haven't I stumbled across an idea to begin a business that will result in me no longer having to work. Why haven't a funded my way to reducing my mortgage. Why am I not at the peak of my physical strength, health and fitness? Why do I feel as though I have a huge burden on my shoulders and why can't I let it go and just be?

Perhaps 5pm on a sugar low was not the time to write an introductory blog entry, my apologies for those who have read through this and gone 'I am the poorer for having sat through that.'



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